Monday, March 14, 2011

Did some thing new today.

This is something we have all done in PE growing up. Strength exercise. But today when I was doing it, my 15 month old son was attacking me and giggling. He thought it was the funnest thing he has ever seen. He barely let me finish my reps and sets. I was laughing with him, kissing him, kind of made it a game. Since I know that exercise will help me feel better and getting healthier. I am trying to think be health will lose the weight not losing the weight will be health.

Of course the sun just came out and it is time for my little man nap. Of course he was mad that I put him down for a nap, I hope when he is up that I can still go for a walk. I am using Sparkpeople website to help me on my journey. I am taking very little baby steps. Hope it works.

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