Friday, March 16, 2012

My Option About the Rights of Abortion or Anything Like It.

So do you want your rights back or not taken away from you? Guess what you still have them if you vote. You have the power to vote who goes into office: as mayor, senator, congress, president and local laws. If you do not like what they are doing, let them know, write to them. As Americans we have this right.

I am getting sick of the politicians bring up the issue about abortions and women’s health. I am sick of the promise that you will make abortion illegal or find ways around it. GUESS WHAT, IT IS NOT YOUR BODY OR YOUR FAMILY. They should not have any control over your body any way or form. GOD gave us free will to do what we want and to think what we want. Do not bring in that it is murder, so you rather murder the mother, if the child that is growing in her will kill her. Hmm, some have never thought of that, or I never heard anyone point it out.

There is a reason and it is not your right to judge us. That is between me and GOD. You have no right to take away the rights that other women before me fought to allow me to have theses rights. I never had or will have abortion; it is hard enough for me to just try to conceive a child. I am fighting for my rights and any other women, who have to make this decision in their life. Also I am fighting for the rights of my sisters, aunts, friends, nieces and future daughters.

So what brought this one, the news and hearing politicians talking about that this is what the people want. I love to hear all some who would talk against them. I want them to be heard and let them know we are not going back to the Stone Age. We are moving forward, that what humans do move forward. That is why we learn history, to not repeat or prevent the past from repeating. Remember we got this far do not let them think they can take us back to good old past.